Thursday 17 December 2009


In what ways does you media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My media product uses and develops conventions of existing music videos. I chose the song 'Forever and Always' by Taylor Swift because the songs lyrics are emotional and relatable to my target audience of female teenagers, therefore i felt that i could portray these feelings through the use of my talent, locations, theme and colour scheme. I also made a focus group who i could ask for ideas and feedback to help me develop my media portfoilo.

When carrying out research for my music video, i researched the conventions of music videos and i found that the main conventions used throughout many videos are the use of different angles for the talent and the use of close ups to show the talents and expressions. I used this convention in my music video by using zooms on my camera to film close ups of my talent on parts of the song where there are certain expressions and emotions because of the lyrics. My music video illustrates the meaning of the lyrics through the expressions of my talent and pace of the video.

I also used a variety of locations in which i filmed my talent lyp singing to the song. From watching various music videos, as well as music videos of the same music genre, i found that they all included the talent/artist singing as well as other shots of the talent. I showed this in shots such as the phone and laughing scenes. These portray a small narrative that is broken up between the singing to represent the talents emotions from the lyrics.

Various music videos that i researched did not start their music videos from the beginning of the song, some added a dialogue scene on to the start of the video and in some cases, some added dialogue on to the end. In my video, i filmed a small dialogue section that gives and insight of the girl and the relationship with the boy in a flashback. When the lyrics start; 'Once upon a time' this is explaining the flashback and the narrative of the lyrics is that it wasn't 'forever and always' like she once thought. Therefore, i used conventions of a dialogue scene in my music video that is often used throughout many videos of the same genre such as another video by the artist Taylor Swift; 'White Horse' which begins with a phone conversation.
However, my video does challenge some conventions as it does not follow a strict narrative pattern throughout the video as it is mainly performance based, whereas many videos choose to follow a convention for a performance or narrative or an equal balance between the two.

When producing my music video i came across some problems. Outside locations were hard to shoot in due to the weather and in addition to this, the indoor locations were hard to film in as it was not my house and therefore was not easy to always film there. In addition to this, commitments made it hard for myself and my talent to always meet up to do the filming and therefore an idea that i had when filming, was if i was to make this project again, i could use a family member that i will see all the time or to use myself as the talent and film it using a tripod. This would allow me to be able to film whenever i needed too.

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

My video follows a colour scheme of colours often related to girls such as pink, so therefore i decided to follow these colour scheme into my ancillary texts. This has meant that my ancillary texts of a website homepage, a magazine advert and the digipak cover are all aesthetically related to my music video.
I created my ancillary texts on photoshop and used photographs of my talent that i had taken. I chose my main video feature of the decorated wall as my digipak cover because it is a personal feature to my video and therefore follows the trend. My talent's facial expressions represents the meaning of the lyrics on the cover and i also followed this onto the back cover. As an extra to my digipak and ancillary texts, i also created a poster to include in the digipak by using a similar photograph of my talent and the feature wall.

I cross referenced my foundation portfolio of my music magazine into my advanced portfolio. On my website homepage i made a reference to my magazine; 'One for the radio'. I feel that i have made progress on programs such as photoshop since my foundation portfolio. However, i have used more drop shadows and strokes on my texts in these ancillary artefact's as from looking back at my foundation portfolio i concluded that some of my text was not as bold as i first thought and that it needed to be more eye catching and therefore i chose black and dark pinks for my texts this time with dark drop shadows.
I feel that the combination of my music video and the ancillary texts is effective because they follow the same pattern and scheme and the texts hold enough information to be informative but are still appealing to teenagers who are my target audience. I also created an outtakes video as an extra on the dvd and alongside this i have also created a directors commentray video as an extra. I created these on imovie. I put another song by the artist of 'Forever and Always', Taylor Swift in the background of my outtakes video as this carries across the pop/coutnry crossover music genre into the extra features as well as just the music video.

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

When i had completed my video, i showed it to a few members of my focus group who i recorded whilst they were giving me their feedback. My audience feedback has played an important part in my evaluation of my project as their ideas have helped me to think of what i would change in the future if i was to do the project again. However, my feedback was mainly positive and as my focus group are of the age that i am aiming for, this has helped me to evaluate how my target age group will take my media product if it was to be distributed. I also emailed a friend with the ancillary texts attached and asked for her feedback on an email. In addition to this, i sent my friend my ancillary texts and then phoned her for her opinions. I recorded this phonecall and have uploaded some of it onto my blog.

How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages?

My advanced portfolio has allowed me to become more confident when using a video camera and i have also learnt how to use programs such as imovie which i had never used before this project. My planning before filming my footage allowed me to film easily and more efficiently as i had a plan through my storyboard and animatic to follow. However i was unable to shoot some of the footage because of other commitment problems. I was unable to film the intertextual reference of 'Romeo and Juliet' on the balcony scene as the male lead i was going to use was no longer available in my free time to film and therefore i had to adjust my video to fit around this. This is also true of the band performance which i changed to my talent performing in another location.

I created my interactive mood board using a website program called Using this i was able to create my mood board with videos and linked text. I included pictures and ideas that i will use in my video on the mood board such as props, locations and general concepts of the video.

Final Conclusion
In conclusion, i am pleased with my final music video and ancillary texts as they fit with the genre of my pop/country music crossover style and are appealing to my focus group and target audience. Although i came across some problems whilst filming and in the production of my video, these have helped me to learn and develop my media skills when using different media technologies.

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Music Video

This is my music video for 'Forever and Always'

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Outtakes Video

As an extra on my dvd i am going to add an 'Outtakes Montage' which will show all the outtakes from my footage. This will attract fans to buy the dvd as they will want to see the outtakes and this makes the dvd better value for money. I put another song by Taylor Swift in the background as this is another popular song by the artist of my music video song and therefore, this follows continuity.

This is my outtakes video:

Focus Group Feedback

This is the focus group feedback that i received for my Music video:

I recorded a few members of my focus group talking about my music video just after they had watched it. This has enabled me to come to a conclusion in my evaluation and has helped me to know what i would change if i was to make it again. The feedback has been very useful as my focus group are the age audience that i am targeting my video at.

This is the focus group feedback that i received for my ancillary texts:

1. Email Response - Laura Morris:

2. Phonecall with Francessca Payne:

Website Homepage

I have created this website on photoshop for my music artist. I have used the same colour scheme as i did with my magazine advert, digipak and music video. I have also provided main information for fans on the homepage with a chance to watch the new music video. I have also included a small montage of pictures of my talent to show who the website belongs too.

Magazine Advert

This is the magazine advert i have created for my digipak. I used the same colour scheme that i used in my website, digipak and music video.

Digipak Inserts

This my digipak insert with the lyrics and a 'thankyou' section:

I also created the back of my insert on photoshop:

I have also created a poster from the cover of my digipak for another digipak insert extra for the fans:

Back Cover and Spine

This is the back cover for my digipak:

Front Cover

This is my front cover for my digipak:

Saturday 5 December 2009

Ancillary Text Sketch Plans

These are my plans for my digipak front and back cover, magazine advert and website homepage:

Monday 30 November 2009

Research and Analysis into Digipaks

A digipak is a style of compact disk or dvd packaging with a book-style paperboard or card outer binding.
The artist for my song is Taylor Swift, and although she has not released a digipak, i have analysed her cd/album cover so that i can follow these as guidelines when producing my digipak cover for my dvd which is the same genre music.

This cover shows the music artist on the left hand side of the cover, and she is looking at the camera. Her facial expression matches the lyrics of the songs on the album; her songs are meaningful and often about personal experiences. So therefore, i will try and capture this emotion on my front cover through my talents expressions.
The background of the cover is a sky and the sea and this links to the title of the album; 'fearless'. The background is bright and open and this is connotations of being free and 'fearless'.
The colours are all complimenting and girly and i will also try and get this across on my cover by using girly colours and dressing my talent in a pink dress.

Tuesday 17 November 2009


I created an animatic so that i can use it whilst i film my music video so that i can follow the time patterns and locations as i planned.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Talent Stills

I have one main female in my music video as the song i have used is a female solo, and therefore i wanted to capture this realistically.

1. Main Female - Daisy Deakin

Location Shots

I chose a range of locations for my music video; a garden, a bedroom, a plain wall, and a lounge. I chose these locations because they are typical and everyday locations that are relatable for the target audiences. The song i am using is also a country/pop crossover song and therefore the garden and outside scenes will relate to the song genre. In addition to this, these locations are also fitting to the song and lyrics and are also cheap locations, if i was to be working on a budget.

1. Garden

2. Bedroom

3. Wall

5. Lounge

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Music Video Storyboards

These are the storyboards i have created to use when making my music video:

Monday 12 October 2009

Music Video Mood Board

I made this mood board using so that i could see my ran of ideas together interactively, to make it easier when it came to making my storyboards with all my ideas and filming my video. I chose as my platform for makign my mood baord because it allowed me to make an interactive baord in which videos cna be viewed and pictures can be enlarged when chosen to give my audience more of an in depth look into what my music video will be like.

Focus Group

I have selected a group of seven people; of a range of ages between 15-18 to answer a few questions on music and music videos. This will be my focus group. By asking this group of people i will have a greater insight into the type of music that my target age group listen to as well as a greater insight into the importance of a music video when considering record sales.

Laura Morris, 17, Wickford
Laura listens to the latest chart music and tends to watch music channels such as ' 4music' and 'MTV'. In addition to this, Laura listens to the radio station Capital FM because it plays up to date and recent music. Laura tends to watch music videos a few times a week when she is taking to her friends online on msn. When asking Laura abut music videos, she feels that a good music video would not encourage her to buy the song, although she does feel that an interesting and enjoyable music video is important.

Kristina Drake, 18, Leigh On Sea
Kristina tends to listen to the latest music releases but mostly enjoys listening to pop and r'n'b music. As an extension of the music that Kristina listens to, Kris also watches the relevant music video channels; 'The Box' and 'Chart Hits'. Heart FM in Essex is the radio station that Kristina regularly listens to because it plays a variety of music. Regarding a music video, Kris said 'it would depend if the song from the video is of one of my favourite genres whether i would buy the song just because it has a good music video'. Kristina's favourite music video is 'You belong with me' by Taylor Swift because the way in which Taylor Swift acts within the video is easily relatable to female teenagers like herself.

Ryan Trimmer, 17, Southend-on-sea
Ryan is a fan of r'n'b and club music and in order to listen to these genres of music, he watches MTV and Clubland. However, he also listens to Radio 1 to listen to the latest chart songs to stay up to date. Ryan said that a good music video would encourage him to buy a song as he finds the video an important feature of the song.

Alex Copping, 18, Southend-on-sea
The music that Alex finds most enjoyable to listen to is Rock music and in order to watch relevant music videos and to listen to them, he watches Kerrang on the music channels and also listens to Kerrang FM. Alex enjoys watching videos with performance in them and therefore, one of his favourite music videos is 'All my Life' by the Foo Fighters. Unlike Ryan, Alex would not buy or download a song just because he likes the music video for it.

Cassandra Morrison, 17, South Woodham Ferrers
Cassandra enjoys listening to pop music and for this genre of music, she watches music channels such as 'Smash Hits' but also enjoys the variety of r'n'b and rap music on the music channel 'Kiss'. Cassie does not tend to listen to the radio as she prefers to watch the music videos with the songs and would consider buying a song just because she thought the video was good. Cassandra also likes to import music videos onto her ipod with the songs, therefore the style and concept of the music videos are important to her.

George Hubbard, 17, Southend-On-Sea
George tends to listen to any type of music but favours rock and scream music. For this type of music, George listens to the music video channels 'Scuzz' and 'Kerrang'. In addition to this, George listens to similar styled radio stations; however, he prefers to watch music channels rather than listen to the radio. George said that he would not be encouraged to buy a song just because he enjoyed the music video; he would only buy the song if he would listen to it often. Nevertheless, he prefers a song to have a good music video to represent the song in more depth.

Francessca Payne, 16, Shoeburyness
Francessca listens to chart music and also watches music videos on the channels 'The Box' and '4music'. In addition to this, she listens to music on the local radio station heart FM because it plays a mix of modern and old songs, and also does the weekly music chart on a Sunday. Fran would only be encouraged to buy the song because the video is good if the video was extremely different to other videos and if she really liked the song; otherwise she would not listen to it.

Textual Analysis Powerpoint

Monday 5 October 2009

Lyric Analysis Podcast

Lyric Analysis 1

Music Video; Lyrics

Forever and Always
Taylor Swift

Once upon a time, i believe it was a Tuesday
When i caught your eye
And we caught onto something, i hold onto the night
You looked me in the eye and told me you loved me
Were you just kidding? Cause it seems to me

This thing is breaking down, we almost never speak
I don't feel welcome anymore
Baby, what happened? Please tell me
'Cause one second it was perfect
Now you're halfway out the door

And i stare at the phone and he still hasn't called
And then you feel so low, you can't feel nothin' at all
And you flashback to when he said forever and always,
oh ohh

Oh, and it rains in your bedroom,. everything is wrong
It rains when you're here and it rains when you're gone
'Cause i was there when you said forever and always

Was i out of line? Did i say something way to honest
that made you run and hide like a scared little boy?
I looked into your eyes, thought i knew you for a minute
now i'm not so sure

So here's to everything coming down to nothing
Here's to the silence that cuts me to the core
Where is this going? Thought i knew for a minute
But i don't anymore

And i stare at the phone, he still hasn't called
And the you feel so low, you can't feel nothing at all
And you flashbackl to when eh said forever and always
oh, oh

Oh, and it rains in your bedroom, everything is wrong
It rains when you're here and it raisn when you're gone
'Cause i was there when you said forever and always
You didn't mean it baby, i don't think so
oh, oh

oh back up, baby, back up, did you forget everything?
Back up, baby, back up, did you forget everything?

'Cause it rains in your bedroom, everything is wrong
It rains when you're here and it rains when you're gone
'Cause i was here when you said forever and always

Oh and i stare at the phone and he still hasn't called
And then you feel so low, you can't feel nothin' at all
And you flashback to when we said forever and always

And it rains in your bedroom, everything is wrong
it rains when you're here and it rains when you're gone
'Cause i was there when you said forever and always
You didn't mean it baby, you said forever and always

Powerpoint Analysis 3

Analysis of Pixie Lott's music video 'Boys and Girls'

Powerpoint Analysis 2

An analysis of Kelly Clarkson's music video for 'Because of You'

Wednesday 30 September 2009

Powerpoint Analysis 1

Screenshots from a music Video

Using the 'Shift, Command, 4' function i am able to screenshot from music videos to analyse more closely.

Example; Kelly Clarkson, My life Would Suck Without You

Tuesday 22 September 2009

Monday 21 September 2009

Sunday 20 September 2009

Textual Analysis 1

Andrew Goodwin

Andrew Goodwin has identified features of the music video.
He has identified the following:
  • Genre characteristics are identified
  • Music and Visuals relationship - contradicting, amplifying or illustrative
  • Lyrics and Visuals relationship - contradicting, amplifying or illustrative
  • Intertextual references
  • Record Label demands, eg; close ups/visual styles (green screen)
  • Notion of Looking (eg. voyeuristic treatment of women)
  • The Video - narrative, performance, concept based

Music Video Task; Advanced Portfolio

To create a Music Video promotional package with background research of conventions and music genres.