Monday 30 November 2009

Research and Analysis into Digipaks

A digipak is a style of compact disk or dvd packaging with a book-style paperboard or card outer binding.
The artist for my song is Taylor Swift, and although she has not released a digipak, i have analysed her cd/album cover so that i can follow these as guidelines when producing my digipak cover for my dvd which is the same genre music.

This cover shows the music artist on the left hand side of the cover, and she is looking at the camera. Her facial expression matches the lyrics of the songs on the album; her songs are meaningful and often about personal experiences. So therefore, i will try and capture this emotion on my front cover through my talents expressions.
The background of the cover is a sky and the sea and this links to the title of the album; 'fearless'. The background is bright and open and this is connotations of being free and 'fearless'.
The colours are all complimenting and girly and i will also try and get this across on my cover by using girly colours and dressing my talent in a pink dress.

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